How to solve unable to detect registered biometric device in Morpho RD Service

OT MORPHO RD Service for

Table of Contents
1. Introduction      
    1.1 Purpose
2. S/W and H/W Requirement 
    2.1 Prerequisites for S/W 
    2.2 Prerequisites for H/W 
    2.3 Calling Application Details 
3. Installation steps
4. Un-Installation Steps 
5. FAQs

1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
Purpose of the document is to assist end-user in installation of Morpho RD Service and
using it with MorphoSmartTM Biometric Finger Print Device.

2. S/W and H/W Requirement
2.1. Prerequisites for S/W
 MORPHO Biometric Finger Print Device is successfully integrated with customer
business application.
 Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)

2.2. Prerequisites for H/W
 MSO1300 E, MSO1300 E2, MSO1300 E3 Fingerprint Sensor Device

2.3. Calling Application Details
 AUA/KUA client application or any other customer business application to which
MORPHO Biometric Finger Print Device is integrated.

3. Installation steps
1. Run 'MorphoRdServiceL0SoftSetup.exe' with administrator rights to install the RD
Service and follow the instruction in setup wizard to complete the installation.

2. On successful installation, please make sure following path is created on C Drive with 35

3. To check the RD Service is running , please run following command on Run Window in
Administrative Mode      netstat –ab
In case of successful installation, following RD Service status would be shown.

4. Plug-in the MORPHO Biometric Finger Print Device. If MORPHO USB driver is installed
successfully, the device would be detected (light will be blinked for fraction of second).

5. After running the business application which is integrated with MORPHO RD Service, it
will prompt to enter One-time-token may appear if the connected device is not whitelisted
at SCPL RD management server. Enter the provided token for RD Service to launch

6. For device whitelisting procedure, please refer to FAQs in next section of document.

4. Un-Installation Steps
1) Run 'C:\MorphoRdServiceL0SoftSetup\unins000.exe' to uninstall the RD Service
2) Follow the instruction in setup wizard to complete the installation

Ques. What is RD Service?

Ans. RD Service is a device provider’s registered device service compliant to Aadhaar
Registered Devices Specification used to ensure secured biometric capture, and authentication
of biometrics using UIDAI’s Aadhaar based services.

Ques. What is Port range on Local Machine where RD Services will listen for Windows?
Ans. 11100-11120

Ques. Which biometric device models are certified as a Registered Device?
Ans. The Morpho 1300 E, Morpho 1300 E2, Morpho 1300 E3 are certified as a Registered

Ques. Are there any technical documents from UIDAI to refer?
Ans. All the updated technical documents can be checked from following link:

Ques. Is the Morpho devices certified for Level 0 or Level 1?
Ans. Level 0

Ques. From where will customer get MORPHO RD Service?
Ans. Go to and go to Downloads and get Android and Windows RD
Service Packages.

Ques. How can I use MORPHO RD Service?

Ans. Customers have to integrated MORPHO RD Service with their business application, get
tested with the help of MORPHO RD Integration team for Staging and Pre-Production
Environment and then use go for Production environment using MORPHO RD Production
Services, downloadable from

Ques. How can I get my device whitelisted?

Ans. Go to and follow the process for device whitelisting. In case of
bulk device (i.e. devices count is more than 100) whitelisting, please contact your respective
account manager with SCL and perform certain formalities and get device whitelisted.

Ques. After RD Service installation, “Device Driver is not installed successfully” message is
pop up in windows tray bar. What should I do?

Ans. Go to Device Manager (from Windows Control Panel ->Device Manager) and check
MORPHO Device is under following tree
If it is not, please change the device type to “Universal Serial Bus Controller” using navigation
Other Devices- >Unknown device-> Properties -> Update Driver- > “Browse My Computer for
Driver Software” -> Add “C:\Morpho\MorphoSmart USB Driver” and click on browse and
select ”usbBioDriver.inf”
” in Driver search location and click on next for completion of manual driver installation and
restart the machine for driver installation finalization.
Ques. How can I enable HTTPS communication between my application and RD Service?
Ans. Please use following Steps

 Set value 'CommunicationMode:0' in
‘C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\ConfigSettings.ini' file to enable Https
communication in Morpho RD Service.

 Keep the Bank/Merchant's server certificate file at 'C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\'
named as 'server.crt'. Certificate must be in pem format.

 Keep the Bank/Merchant's server private key file at 'C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\'
named as 'server.key'. Private key must be in pem format.

 Rename '' as Bank/Merchant's URL to which certificate is issued, in the
host file of the windows present at 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc'. Update
this URL in the calling Javascript functions given in the

Ques. What is Production Environment Setting in Config.ini?
Ans. Please follow the following steps
1. Change the RDEnviroment variable in ConfigSetting.ini file (PATH :
C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\). Set RDEnviroment: 2
2. Change the URLs:
a. Registration :
b. Keyrotation :
c. Telemetry :
3. Change URL_IP :
4. Change URL_Port: 443
5. Restart the service

Ques. How can set Proxy server setting for RD Service?
Ans. Go to Proxy Configuration in config.ini file (C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\Config.ini)
1. Set ProxyConfig variable value to 1. i.e. ProxyConfig:1
2. Set ProxyIP variable to Proxy Server IP address. In case, proxy script is to be used,
please write Proxy Script URL.
3. Set ProxyPort variable to Proxy Server Port Address

Ques. What should I do even after setting the Proxy Server Setting, still RD Service call to
management server is not reachable.
Ans. Please follow the following steps
1. Check the connectivity of Management server from Host machine (Machine on which
RD Service is installed) through Proxy Server.
2. Check the ping of Proxy Server from RD Service on Host Machine using Network trace or
any other supported trace mechanism.
3. If yes and request is still not reaching to Management Server, make sure the certificate
URL “*.COMODOCA.COM” is bypassed on Proxy server.

Ques. Error “Permission Denied” while running MORPHO RD Service Test HTML Page.
Ans. Please follow the following steps
1. root/url Certificate for RD services domain needs to be installed on desktop.
2. Add dns in trusted site for RD service.
3. Enable "Access data sources accross domains" in trusted sites customer level.
4. Reset customer settings to "Medium(default)"

Ques. What does following error means?
Ans. It shows that the required certificate and key for HTTPS communication at required path
“C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft\ConfigSettings.ini” is missing. Please put the certificate on
mentioned path.


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